Playlist of movies to satisfy your outdoor wishes even confined !

The confinement is not an easy thing, above all if you are use to going outside often for work or pleasure; it can seem long! Yet, it is extremely important to apply every measure etablished by our government (yes, you understand that it’s an unseen world outbreak (without being stressful like some other speeches).

Then, INA (french audiovisual institute) allows us to watch a selection of outdoor movies online with different outdoor thematics and disciplines, the occasion to fulfil our evasion and Nature desire.


Source Article Outside

Likewise, Youtube platform gives us the possibility to have a look at some free short and feature movies produced by eco-friendly outdoor brands such as Picture Organic Clothing, Patagonia or Almo who are committed for the environmental cause through documentary propositions or/and suggest us a total immersion in Outdoor training (we almost feel like being outside).

LINK SHELTER, documentary Picture Organic Clothing

LINK ZABARDAST, documentary Picture Organic Clothing

LINK IN GORA, documentary Picture Organic Clothing

LINK COMFORT ZONE, documentary Almo

LINK ROTPUNKT, documentary Patagonia

LINK BLUE HEART, documentary Patagonia

Finally, we advise you to check the French/German channel Arte which offer us replay on its internet website such as evasion/adventure.

Link ARTE, program Travel/Discovery

We hope it will give you some ideas for your following days! We wish you a nice viewing and above all STAY AT HOME!

Track and Flow Team