Freedom of Service Delivery

Freedom of Service Delivery

from €192.00
T&F Member:
First or Second Declaration:

We will need several documents in order to handle your dossier, please send us these documents via email:

  1. evidence of your professional liability insurance together with insurance company name and policy number (some citizens are insured by their professional organisation if they have the Professional Card;

  2. copy of a valid EU passport or ID card;

  3. an attestation issued by a competent authority, certifying that you are legally

    established in any MS for the purpose of pursuing the activities concerned (tax

    document, ... ) ;

  4. an attestation issued by a competent authority, certifying that you are not

    prohibited from practicing even temporarily at the time of delivering the

    attestation (like an RCB check – Criminal record type document);

  5. copy of a qualification that allows it’s holder to work for remuneration in an EU MS, plus information concerning the corresponding training such as a brief

    summary of the matters included;

  6. if neither the profession nor the training is regulated in the MS of delivery of the

    qualification your are holding, evidence of professional experience; if the professional experience is less than 1 year in the last 10, evidence of corresponding Lifelong Learning;

  7. your signature in dark blue on a white piece of paper to transfer electronically on to the letter sent to the competent authority on your behalf;

Photo credit: Pierre-Louis Rey